
Chapter One :Chapter 1

"Kid, this is your last dinner. Enjoy it to your heart's content. Don't be a starving ghost in hell!"

A ferocious-looking prison guard in leather armor brought a sumptuous dinner to Wangdao.

A piece of bread, which was not small and looked soft, a piece of palm-sized cooked beef, and a glass of fruit wine, were the last dinner of the king's road.

The reason why it was called the last dinner was that after this dinner, the king road would be " sacrifice" to a huge dragon-shaped evil beast with the blood of a Semi-dragon.

It was said that this dragon-shaped magical beast had been encountered by the City Lord, Lord Nisse, three days ago when he had gone out of the city to hunt. At that time, he had deployed all the guards and hunting equipment around him. After 20 people had died, he had successfully captured this incomparably huge dragon-shaped magical beast, which was almost invulnerable and extremely violent.

There were many strange-shaped beasts in this world. There were monsters with extraordinary abilities that were different from ordinary beasts. These monsters were called "magic beasts" by the people of this world. Some magical beasts could be tamed. Magical beasts that were tamed were usually the most powerful helpers of the human race and the best comrades-in-arms. Therefore, after reading about the various magical beasts in this world, some people came up with a book on how to describe the abilities of evil beasts—the 'Canon of Magical Beasts'. At that time, there were two advisors who had studied the 'Canon of Magical Beasts' by the side of the city lord, but the problem was that they could not recognize what this dragon-shaped beast was. It was not recorded in the 'Canon of Magical Beasts'.

However, these two advisors were extremely knowledgeable. After carefully studying this dragon-shaped magical beast, they all came to the same conclusion: This dragon-shaped magical beast, which was not recorded in the 'Canon of Magical Beasts', might be a 'a sub-dragon' with the bloodline of ancient dragons. Its strength was equivalent to that of an eighth-class magical beast.

The so-called Semi-dragon referred to the mixed species of ancient dragons and other creatures. Because it had half of the bloodline of ancient dragons, although it was not as powerful as the ancient dragons, it had infinite potential and was much stronger than ordinary high-level evil beasts.

The two advisors said at the same time, "This Dragon-shaped Magic Beast is very young and has great potential. It can definitely be upgraded again. If it can tame this Dragon-shaped Magic Beast, after a few years, even if it can't be compared with the legendary 'Dragon Knight', it can compete with the Martial Saint or Godly General of the empire."

The city lord was a person who was very happy and fond of showing off. Upon hearing these words, he couldn't help but be overjoyed. He felt that this was the best gift the Overgods had given him this year. In order to celebrate this event, the city lord first gave this unknown dragon-shaped magical beast a very domineering name—King Kong Tyrant Wyrm. He then announced to all of the citizens of conquer City that during the "God of Wine Festival" five days later, he would hold a strange battle in the battle stadium of the city—the death of the prisoner and the battle of King Kong Tyrant Wyrm.

Wang Dao was a dead prisoner, and the reason why he was sentenced to death was because of the disaster caused by time travel!

As a member of the time-travel people, Wang Dao was probably the most unlucky one. Before the time-travel, he only remembered that he had just gone to the back of the back mountain of the town to practice boxing. Unexpectedly, the weather suddenly changed, heavy rain, strong wind, lightning, and thunder. A huge lightning hit him, causing his soul and body to travel to this world together.

Wang Dao felt very depressed because of this. "Damn it. It's said that only those who pretend to be powerful can be struck by lightning. I'm not that pretentious. How could I be struck by lightning?"

What was even more unfortunate was that the way the Wangdao traveled to this world was not in the right place. He landed from the sky of wentl City and landed in a luxurious carriage. He smashed a young man who was trying to kill a delicate and pretty girl who had been snatched from somewhere.

In this world, it was obvious that the death of a noble was very serious, not to mention that the Wangdao had descended from the sky, and his identity was unknown. The City Lord of wentnds City had been sentenced to death without even considering the examination.

After staying in the death cell for almost five days, Wangdao accepted the fact that he had time-traveled. He did not know if he had learned the language of this world easily due to the influence of time-travel. After communicating with the three dead prisoners in the same cell as him for five days, Wangdao gradually learned about the situation of this world.

Simply put, the background of this world was similar to that of the Ancient Holy Empire in his previous life. It had a strict hierarchy. The emperors were at the top of the pyramid, the royal family and nobles were at the bottom, the civilians were at the bottom, and the slaves at the bottom were at the bottom. The slaves here were no different from the slaves in the Ancient Holy World in his previous life. They were the same as animals, without any status or authority. The masters could trade and kill them at will.

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